Why should you Choose Modems for your Internet Connection?
If you’ve been on the Internet for a while, you’ve no doubt heard the terms “modem” and “router” thrown around but might not have taken the time to understand what they are. We’re here to help. What a Modem Does Your modem helps as a bridge among your local network along with the Internet. Historically, the term “modem” is shorthand for modulator-demodulator. Modems were used to modulate the signals on telephone lines so that digital information could be encoded and transmitted over them and then demodulated—and decoded—on the other end. Though more up-to-date broadband connections—like satellite and cable—don’t actually work the same technique, we kept using the term “modem” as it’s a manoeuvre person were now familiar with and associated with connecting to the Internet. How a VERIZON FIOS APPROVED MODEMS attaches to your network depends on the type of connection you have. The modem wads into whatsoever kind of substructure you have— telephone, cable, satellite, or fibre—and offer...